Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Zone of Continental Rifting ?

Quite a while back, as the North American continental landmass moved westward across the face of the earth, it overrode a section of the oceanic rift system. This section of the oceanic rift system then ended up beneath the western part of the landmass. After this happened, it appears that Baja California was "captured" by the Pacific Plate which resides on the western side of this rift system. This "sliver" of land was then ripped loose from the mainland of Mexico (link). Baja was then shifted approximately 300 miles north, forcing strongly against other sections of the North American landmass, during its northward travel.

At this point, it appears that Baja California and those portions of of the state of California which reside to the west of the San Andreas fault are more firmly "captured" by the northwesterly moving Pacific Plate. And, to the east of the San Andreas fault, it appears that California is similar to a "train wreck" of "loose" microplates which are not so firmly captured by the northwesterly moving Pacific Plate. One of the California microplates caught in this geologic "train wreck" is the Sierra Nevada-Great Valley microplate (link).

A 2013 page linked here states that "the heart of California -- the Central Valley and the mountains that ring it -- is a separate tectonic plate, bounded by fault zones all the way around. The Sierra Nevada microplate rotates slightly and moves northwest at a few millimeters per year relative to the rest of the North America plate." The page speaks of "the other side of the Sierra Nevada microplate [to the east of the Sierra Nevada], where the Earth's outer shell is secretly splitting apart." But, what is actually happening in that area to the east of the Sierra Nevada?

To understand what is happening to the east of the Sierra Nevada, we must once again look to that section of the oceanic rift which ended up beneath the landmass of western North America, in earlier times. To decipher where this section of oceanic rift lies deep beneath the continental landmass, we must look for a string of sites where there is thermal and volcanic activity which is of a nature that is similar to that which commonly occurs along the worldwide, mid-oceanic ridge and rift system (1)(2)(3)(4).

To the east of the Sierra Nevada is the northwesterly-trending Walker Lane. A document linked here is titled Siting of Large Volcanic Centers at Releasing Fault Stepovers, Walker Lane Rift. On PDF page 5 of 54, the document declares that the Walker Lane Belt "has the structure that is the most similar to Gulf of California transtensional rift basins..." Why is this? Possibly it is this way because the Walker Lane is actually where the northern extension of the oceanic rift from the bottom of the Gulf of California truly lies beneath the continental landmass.

At this point, there is something to clearly note. The San Andreas fault does not appear to mark the true path of the oceanic rift which resides deep beneath the continental landmass in California. In the geologic "trainwreck" of California, the San Andreas fault is related to the rifting, but it is something else altogether. The true rift appears to be further to the east.

To help identify the different nature of the San Andreas fault, along its path it should be observed that it is missing that large amount of volcanic activity with is common to the worldwide oceanic rift system. But, to the east of the Sierra Nevada, there is "the structure that is the most similar to Gulf of California transtensional rift basins," with volcanic activity and all.

As noted in the title of that document linked a couple of paragraphs above, the Walker Lane is a rift. It is the area in California where the continental landmass is pulling apart or breaking up (1)(2). Because the continental landmass is pulling apart in this area, there are found here those geologic features known as "grabens" or central rift valleys (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). And, because of the continental rifting in this area, the Walker Lane is a geologic trough (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). A geologic trough is an area where the structure of the landmass has sunk down for some distance in a linear feature. But, there is more to this story.

At its northern end, the Walker Lane joins into the southern end of the Cascade Mountains, which is that line of mighty volcanoes. And, there is something important to note about this line of volcanoes. At the southern, California end of the Cascade Range, there is the volcano known as Lassen Peak (link). But Lassen Peak is not in line with the other volcanoes of the Cascade Range. Lassen Peak is on a "dogleg," where the Cascade Range sharply bends to the southeast. Why is this? Possibly it is because the Cascade Range is associated with that rift system buried deep beneath the Walker Lane, where things are pulling apart (1). It appears that the Cascades are part of the volcanic features related to that section of oceanic rift which is buried deep beneath the continental landmass in the western part of North America.

It appears that the Walker Lane shows the surface effects of the deeply buried section of the oceanic rift system, especially with its volcanoes and other thermal features. There is something else to now consider. A page linked here indicates that "rifts in the interior of continents" last for a while "before complete rupture of the continent and onset of sea-floor spreading." Once the massive earthquakes begin, as the rift affecting the area to the east of the Sierra Nevada starts spreading in earnest, it appears that the Gulf of California will begin to extend further and further north. As this major geologic activity continues, California will be separated further and further from the United States. But, again, there is more to this story.

There is that dogleg in the southern Cascade Range, which was noted above, where the Cascades join into the Walker Lane and its associated rift system and volcanic features (1)(2)(3). It appears that the Cascade Range, with its volcanoes and hot springs, is also the surface effect of that section of oceanic rift system which is buried deep beneath the continental landmass. At this point, there is something to once again note.

Because of the spreading on the rift system buried far below, the landmass in the Walker Lane has sunk down and formed into a geologic trough (link). Within this trough are a number of geologic features known as grabens. And now, let us continue onward. To the north, in the Cascade Range, there is also a graben. This graben in the Cascade Range indicates that this volcanic mountain range may actually mark the location of that spreading oceanic rift, which is buried deep beneath the continental landmass.

There are some things to note about the zone of spreading in the Cascade Mountains. A link here accesses a portion of a document titled Oregon Geology. On PDF page 3 of 32, the document speaks of the "High Cascade trough or graben, which extends most of the length of the state [of Oregon]." It indicates that this graben and its associated faults represents "crustal failure on a grand scale." It appears that it is crustal failure on a grand scale because the landmass above is being strongly affected by that active section of oceanic rift which is buried deep beneath the continental landmass.

There is now something even more revealing to note about this trough or graben in the High Cascades. In the lower-right portion of PDF page 13 of 32, in the document linked in the paragraph above, it notes that the High Cascades graben is "associated with extensional tectonics." On PDF page 14 of 32, the document speaks about this High Cascades graben "opening like a zipper from the south." In the south, the graben has subsided "as deep as two miles," while further north in the central portion of this graben, the landmass has subsided "less than a mile."

In the paragraph above, when is speaks about the High Cascades graben being "associated with extensional tectonics" and also "opening like a zipper from the south," there is something to think about. It appears that there may be some association with that separation of the landmass which initially formed the Gulf of California. Possibly in the future, as things progress, the Gulf of California could extend much further north. And now, there is something else to note.

On PDF page 14 of 32 in the document linked above, when it comes to the High Cascades graben, it declares: "Lavas, emerging with the rifting, closely resemble mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB)." Now, why would this be? Well, once again, it possibly has something to do with that section of the oceanic rift system which is now buried deep beneath the continental landmass. And, that buried section of oceanic rift system would naturally be discharging lavas which "closely resemble mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB)."

At this point, there are some who are wondering if the typical Cascadia Subduction Zone models (1)(2)(3) may not be completely accurate. Possibly they are not properly portraying what is actually happening in the Cascadia region of North America. In reality, it appears that the Cascadia region may be dealing with something just a bit different than simply a subduction zone, especially when things appear to be "unzipping" from the south to the north along a line which includes the Gulf of California, the Walker Lane to the east of the Sierra Nevada, and the graben in the High Cascades of Oregon.

Possibly there could be some unexpected things happening in the Cascadia region in the times ahead, especially if that geologic "zipper" decides to unzip even further. So, there are now some things to think about. A few things which could possibly stand between those who reside in the western coastal regions of North America and a very wild geologic ride could potentially be the resistance caused by the embedded Klamath Mountains and, looking further to the north, the embedded Olympic Mountains. But, once the "resistance" now holding things in place is overcome, as the Pacific Plate continues in its northerly travel, it may than be time to really "hang on to your hat."

In closing, there are some words of wisdom for the scientists, with their high-tech computerized earthquake models and all. In more recent times, they have been getting horrendously blindsided by the nature and magnitude of large earthquake events. So, let us look back to Ralph Waldo Emerson, of earlier times. In his wisdom, Emerson declared: "We learn geology the morning after the earthquake, on ghastly diagrams of cloven mountains, upheaved plains, and the dry bed of the sea."(1)(2)(3) What is potentially coming to the West Coast region of North America may have to be seen, in order to be believed.

For further reading:

Current Expectations for a Cascadia Mega-Quake

The Greatest Earthquake Ever Felt

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Rapid Emplacement of the Columbia Lava Plateau ?

It is time for some serious "food for thought." In this blog, back in September 27, of 2016, there was an entry made which is titled Concealed Faults and Rifts in the Pacific Northwest (link). There is something mentioned in that entry which now, because of a real life example, needs to be looked at more closely. It is time to consider the speed at which the layers of igneous or magmatic rock were formed in the Columbia Lava Plateau, which covered a large portion of what is now Washington and Oregon, plus a portion of Idaho.

About half way down in the blog entry linked above, two sources are noted which state two different flow rates for the lava which spread out over the surrounding countryside and formed the Columbia Lava Plateau. The first source, which is linked here, declares the following:

"It is believed that the fronts of the lava flows were several stories (approximately 30 meters) high as they flowed from the eruption center at speeds up to three miles per hour (Alt and Hyndman, 1985). These basalts erupted from long fissures in the ground, not from volcanic cones."

The second source, a page linked here from the Western Oregon University (WOU) site, on PDF page 3 of 19, regarding the Columbia Plateau, speaks about "the basalts that flooded this province." The page speaks about "an output per flow of over 100 cubic miles of basalt." But then it states: "Larger eruptions, however, encompass over 500 cubic miles of basalt for a single flow."

The WOU page speaks of the speed of the flow, with these words: "Thick, successive outpourings of lava spread over the landscape often moving at a speed of up to 30 miles an hour to form the Columbia River basalts, the primary group in the plateau today." The page then goes on to speak about the total volume of basalt in the lava plateau, which is stated at "over 42,000 cubic miles, [which] would be enough to construct a wall of lava one mile wide and almost 2 miles high around the earth."

Okay, so we are speaking about a whole lot of basaltic lava in the Columbia Lava Plateau. The evidence indicates that this basaltic lava came gushing or rapidly flooding out of immense cracks in the ground at an incredible rate. But, the first source indicates that the front of the spreading lava flows moved away from the eruption center "at speeds up to three miles per hour." The second source, from Western Oregon University, states that "thick, successive outpourings of lava spread over the landscape often moving at a speed of up to 30 miles an hour..."

Looking at the information above, there is something which needs to be clarified. We see that there are two very different speed ranges given for how fast the basaltic lava spread out in the Columbia Plateau region. Once again, the first source states that the lava moved "at speeds up to three miles per hour," and the second source states that this lava was "often moving at a speed of up to 30 miles an hour." So, which one of these two rates is the most realistic, when considering all the evidence?

There is a reason to want to know the truth about how fast this lava can move. With a lava flow moving at three miles per hour, a person could potentially get out of the way of the lava flow. But, with a flow rate of 30 miles per hour, there would have been no chance for a human to outrun this flow, if any human would have been present to see this incredible geologic event. So, is it possible that this basaltic lava in the Columbia Plateau could have moved at speeds near 30 miles per hour, as the plateau was forming?

The Columbia Lava Plateau was formed by "flood basalts." (link) When these "flood basalts" erupt from the ground, "a lot of easy flowing, highly fluid basaltic lava can pour out of the fissure all at once." (link) A source, linked here, declares that flood basalts spread "out across the land like water in a flood."

Now, once again very clearly: these flood basalts, like those which created the Columbia Lava Plateau, are known to flow across the countryside like water. So, are there any examples from our present day which can potentially indicate just how fast this type of lava can flow. What about that which is currently happening (in June 2018) in the U.S. state of Hawaii? Well, let us look at a few examples.

A page linked here speaks about "Kilauea's Rivers of Fire and Lava." Yes, at first this volcano was putting out lava which slowly oozed across the land, as it slowly destroyed things. But then things changed. The lava then became more fluid and began to flow like water, yes, like water in a rushing river.

Getting back to the Cascadia region, the WOU page spoke about the basaltic lava in the Columbia Plateau region "often moving at a speed of up to 30 miles an hour." Let us see, in the videos linked below about the lava in Hawaii, how fluid this lava can be while it is still in the ground and then what it can look like as it flows across the land. And, this is just in a small area or in just a rather confined river of fire.

Now, imagine this lava, but in very thick layers as it was in the Cascadia region, gushing out of the ground, layer after layer, and flooding in all directions across the countryside. Let us imagine this happening at a rather high rate of speed. Welcome to the forming Columbia Lava Plateau. And yes, history has shown that those types of things which have happened before on this earth can definitely happen again. That may, at least to a degree, go along with the saying: "History repeats itself."

Now it is time to educate ourselves about what flowing lava can look like, plus what it can do. Just check out the videos below and realize that this particular geologic event in Hawaii is showing only a rather "small scale" event upon this earth.

EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS --- "The Lake of Fire":

Video Inside Halemaumau Lava Lake Dropped 240 Yards   [video time - 0:39]

Drones Sacrificed for Spectacular Volcano Video   [video time - 3:30]

Lava surfaces in Kilauea volcano crater, Hawaii   [video time - 0:41]

EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS --- "The Coming Out":

Aerial footage Kilauea eruption in Hawaii (June 11, 2018)   [video time - 10:14]

Kilauea erupts again   [video time - 1:58]

Lava from...Kilauea volcano lit up the night on Tuesday (May 22)   [video time - 1:36]

Raw Video: Lava Bursts from New Fissure on Kilauea Flank   [video time - 1:32]

New fissures open, lava becomes more fluid in Leilani Estates   [video time - 5:00]

Hawaii Update/500' Lava Fountain/Approaching Geothermal Plant   [video time - 8:10]

Red Lava Rivers From Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano - Aerial Views   [video time - 1:40]

Destructive lava flows in Hawaii (June 8, 2018)   [video time - 11:08]

Hawaii's Lava Flow Is a Mesmerizing Force   [video time - 6:36]

River of Fire - Mesmerizing Hawaii Lava Timelapse 4K   [video time - 2:57]

EDUCATIONAL VIDEO --- "Just a Fast Flowing Stream":

Lava River Flowing From Tube Kilauea Volcano Hawaii   [video time - 0:25]

EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS --- "The Rushing, Fiery Flood":

Hawaii Volcano Eruption Update - Tuesday Morning (June 19, 2018)   [video time - 2:41]

Amazing Lava Flows in Hawaii (June 15, 2018)   [video time - 12:34]

New Lava Flow in Hawaii (June 17, 2018)   [video time - 10:14]

Beautiful Lava River in Hawaii (JUNE 18, 2018)   [video time - 12:02]


When the fiery basaltic magma rapidly spreads across the land in virtually all directions, as it did when the Columbia Lava Plateau was formed, if a person were there, they could run, but they could never hide from the fast-moving destruction. Now for some questions.

Is there any chance that a massive Cascadia earthquake event could be associated with major, deep cracking and movement in the groundmass? Is there any chance that basaltic lava could once again gush out of the earth and flow across the land and cover a large portion of that which is now Washington, or Oregon, or even Idaho?

Once again, as a point of reference, that which is happening in Hawaii is just "small scale stuff." The geologic history of the Cascadia region has shown what "large scale stuff" actually looks like! So, to those in the Cascadia region, do you think you can handle the "large scale stuff" when it actually happens?


By the majority upon this earth, the information presented above may be considered as a good stopping point in your reading. But for the few, there may be some further things to consider.


Now, but only for those who would like to consider life further or for those who would like a deeper understanding of things upon this earth, it is time for some real "food for thought."A long time ago, there were instructions given to a certain group of people. There were many things which they were clearly told that they were not to be doing. Then the set of instructions declared:

"Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: and the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants." (link1) (link2) (link3)


Could flood basalts rapidly flowing across and covering portions of the region now occupied by Washington, Oregon and Idaho be a good example of the land "vomiting something out"...vomiting something out from immense cracks in the ground?

Is there any possibility that major geologic events which have happened before on this earth could happen again, maybe even at a different or larger scale? If an event similar to the formation of the Columbia Lava Plateau were to happen again, would the land, in effect, be vomiting out the inhabitants thereof?

And then, but only for those who want a deeper understanding of things, when considering these molten or fiery things, there is that thing which is called the Lake of Fire(link) Is there any way that it could fit into a discussion about fiery geologic events which can happen upon this earth?


As we watch the volcanic things which have recently been happening in Hawaii, there may be some things for those in the Cascadia region to consider, especially for those living in Portland, Oregon.

 Portland is built in the Boring Lava Field. (link) According to the linked source, there are "at least 32 cinder cones and small shield volcanoes lying within a radius of 13 miles (21 km) of Kelly Butte, which is approximately 4 miles (6 km) east of downtown Portland, Oregon, in the United States."

It appears that at some earlier point in history, the Portland region was "bubbling and smoking" all over with volcanic activity. For those who have seriously studied geology, some have come to the conclusion that volcanoes and their "offspring" may become dormant, but it appears that a volcano or volcanic vent from the past cannot necessarily be guaranteed as being extinct.

It does appear that there may be more to this story about volcanic activity in the Portland area than just the "32 cinder cones and small shield volcanoes" noted above. In the Portland area, there are at least 95 lava vents. These vents are found in the West Hills of Portland and in areas southward and eastward from there, plus even up into Washington. These volcanic features are noted on a map which is linked here.

The Portland metro area has a large population. If volcanic activity were to ever "awaken" in the Portland region, many residents could be negatively affected. So possibly a question should be asked. How would Portland respond if a Hawaii type of event, or something even larger, were to occur in the local area?

For further reading:

Current Expectations for a Cascadia Mega-Quake


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Real CALEXIT Separation from the United States ?

The occasional blogger now enters cyberspace to make another post. It is time for some real "food for thought," with a different twist.

For a period of time, there has been that Calexit movement, in which a certain segment of people in California want to be separated from the United States. The occasional blogger now poses some questions.

Will the state of California be separated from the United States in a far different manner than the Calexit group is hoping for? Will California physically be separated from the United States via that major rift zone which extends northward from the northern end of the Gulf of California? Will California be physically separated from the United States, in the area of that rift zone which lies to the east of the Sierra Nevada and extends all the way to the Oregon border and beyond?

The major rift zone to the east of the Sierra Nevada is noted in earlier posts in this blog, plus in the page linked below titled  Current Expectations for a Cascadia Mega-Quake.

Before the idea of California being ripped loose from the landmass of the United States is discounted, let it be noted that Baja California, in earlier times, was ripped loose from the mainland of Mexico and then shifted hundreds of miles to the northwest. This movement created the Gulf of California. At this point, there is something to seriously consider.

If California were to become physically separated from the United States along the generally northwest-southeast aligned rift zone, that could mean massive, world-class earthquakes. Such an event could leave California utterly devastated, with a lot of destroyed structures and infrastructure.

This form of Calexit would possibly not be the best way to start a new country...with devastated infrastructure and a devastated economy, plus a decimated populace.

For further reading:

Current Expectations for a Cascadia Mega-Quake


Saturday, February 10, 2018

The New Pacific Northwest Look ... After the Megaquake

It is time for the occasional blogger to once again poke his head into cyberspace. Seeing the various quakes which have been happening since the last post, about 4-1/2 months ago on Saturday, September 30, 2018, it is time to make a few comments.

On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, an M6.4 quake struck off the east coast of Taiwan. An image, linked here, shows one of the buildings in Taiwan which got tilted over a bit. A page, linked here, gives some information about this quake. Once again, this was a quake with a magnitude of only 6.4, which tipped this building at such and angle.

Linked here is another picture of that building in Taiwan, which is tilting greatly. Just think what it may have been like to be in that building. And again, that happened with only an M6.4 quake.

On Saturday, February 6, 2016, a different M6.4 struck Taiwan. This time the quake struck about 30 miles east of the city of Tainan, which has a population of about 2 million people. A picture, linked here, shows a couple of more buildings which tipped over, plus a lot of damage. A page, linked here, tells what happened. And, once again, all this happened with just an M6.4 quake.

Let's now look at what happened during the Great Tangshan Earthquake in China, on July 28, 1976. This quake had a magnitude of 7.8 and killed at least 242,000 people, which was the official claimed death toll (link), but other estimates have the death toll as high as 650,000 people (link). Accessed here, here, here, here, here, and here, are pictures of damage which occurred during this quake.

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake, when using the USGS earthquake comparison calculator, linked here, is found to be about 25 times bigger than the 6.4 magnitude quake, but it is almost 126 times stronger in the energy released. So, take another look at the pictures and see the difference in damage resulting from these two different sized quakes.

Now that we are looking at comparisons, there is something to consider. The quake which is expected in the Cascadia region of North America --- in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and the adjoining part of British Columbia, Canada --- may have a magnitude of 9.2 or potentially a bit more. So, it is time to take a look at something.

Using the USGS earthquake comparison calculator once again, a magnitude 9.2 quake is about 25 times bigger than a magnitude 7.8 quake, like that which struck Tangshan, China, in 1976. But, a 9.2 quake is about 126 times stronger in the energy released, compared to that released by a magnitude 7.8 quake.

It is time for a bit of Reality 101. Once again, take a good look at those pictures linked above, which compare the two different size quakes and the resulting damage.

Now, take those Tangshan pictures, from the M7.8 quake, and imagine in your mind devastation at a much greater scale, from a quake which is 25 times larger in ground motion and 126 times stronger in the energy released.

Now, consider that which appears to be in the future for the Cascadia region of North America. Have you started to prepare yourself for something like this? If you haven't yet, now is the time to start.

Yes, it is true that things can be different at different locations. There are many factors involved when it comes to how much damage will result at any given location. But nevertheless, a magnitude 9.2 or larger quake can potentially make quite a mess of things in the Cascadia region. So, now it the time to start preparing. Tomorrow...

For further reading:

Current Expectations for a Cascadia Mega-Quake